North Central’s faith-based programs profoundly impact the lives of our students and serve to connect people with their faith journey. Alumni attest that their involvement in the College’s faith-based programs were important during their years on campus and long after they graduated. In these changing times, it is important that we provide sustaining funding to support the Chaplaincy and Faith in Action programs. We are happy to announce that the College will create two endowments to ensure that these vitally important aspects of student life remain viable to future generations of students, faculty, staff and friends.
The importance of the Chaplaincy efforts cannot be overstated. Since the early 1980s, the Northern Illinois Conference has provided significant financial and cooperative programming as part of its historic commitment to North Central. It is now important for the College to fully embrace the significance of the Campus Ministry programs to the greater Cardinal community. Rev. Richard Ploch ’68 wrote, “College chaplains matter. It’s been 52 years since my graduation, and I would choose North Central again and be active in all these wonderful experiences that the chaplain’s office offered to us.”