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The men's soccer team values the program's tradition and the efforts made by our alumni base in paving the way for our current success! With your contribution, you play a critical role in allowing our student-athletes to achieve success in the classroom, on the field, and in the community. Without your financial support, our student-athletes would never have a chance to compete at the highest level while receiving an education. We want to provide our players with the best possible college experience. Your generosity will help offset the costs of new uniforms and a trip to Lake Erie, PA to open our season. I personally want to thank each one of you and remember...Once a Cardinal, Always a Cardinal!

Make your Day of Giving gift and automatically be entered into a raffle for fun NC prizes including access to alumni engagement events like the Cubs vs Orioles game, the Naperville Summer Ale Fest, and select fine art performances!
Donate $5
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View All DonorsMost Recent Donors

Donald and Diane Dybala

Brian Fairwood

Brent Collins & Cathy

Alma Kozlica

Carla Morgan

VIP Valet Services Inc

Damon Yaeger & KJ

Claira Panos

Aiden White

Beth Roth
Dr. Kathy Birkett, Trustee,
Offered a $20,000 match